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Experience Physical Therapy Like Never Before and Break Free from Limitations, Defy Pain, and Reclaim Your Independence.


Imagine a life where you can engage in the activities you love, unrestricted by pain. Our experienced team will work closely with you to create a personalized plan that focuses on your unique needs and goals. Through advanced techniques, innovative therapies, and compassionate care, we will help you regain your strength, mobility, and vitality.


No more relying on medications, injections, or invasive surgeries. It's time to embrace a holistic approach that empowers your body's natural healing abilities. We are committed to getting you back to the life you deserve, where pain is no longer in control.


Don't wait any longer. It's time to break free from the chains of pain and start living again.  The possibilities are limitless, and a vibrant future awaits you.


Leg Injury

Orthopedic Conditions

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. At Elite Rehab and Performance, our Doctors of Physical Therapy specialize in the treatment of a wide variety of orthopedic conditions, including those that occur as a result of injury or develop over time secondary to the natural aging process.


Common conditions we treat include: 

  • Low back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain related to bursitis, tendinopathy, rotator cuff tears, or adhesive capsulitis

  • Osteoarthritis (OA)

  • Soft tissue injuries (sprains or strains)

  • Knee injuries (meniscus tears, ACL tears, patellofemoral pain)

  • Lateral or medial epicondylitis of the elbow

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Scoliosis

  • Recovery from orthopedic surgery (joint replacement, arthroscopic surgery, spinal fusion) or fracture

  • Overuse injuries

  • Bursitis or tendonitis 


This list is not exhaustive so if you don't see your problem listed above, please give us a call to find out if we can help.


Total Body Diagnostic (TBD)

We believe in a proactive approach to health and encourage everyone to take control of their musculoskeletal health by scheduling an annual physical therapy evaluation. Our Total Body Diagnostic is designed to provide you with a comprehensive assessment of your musculoskeletal health and identify potential areas of concern before they progress into more significant issues.


During your visit, your physical therapist will not only evaluate your current condition but also compare your results to previous years. This valuable comparison allows for early detection and intervention, ensuring any areas that need attention are addressed promptly to prevent dysfunction or pain from taking hold.  


Don't wait for pain or dysfunction to arise - prioritize your health and schedule your TBD today.  

Physical Therapist

Wellness Warrior program

Recovery doesn’t end when physical therapy treatment ends.  If fact, it shouldn’t. Once you have successfully completed your plan of care and both you and your therapist are confident in your ability to self-manage any remaining symptoms, the doors to the Wellness Warrior Program swing wide open. This exceptional program empowers you to take charge of your well-being, providing you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to thrive long after your therapy sessions conclude.


The Wellness Warrior Program is designed to maximize your recovery potential and maintain the gains achieved during your physical therapy journey. It is a testament to our commitment to your long-term well-being. By enrolling in this program, you gain access to invaluable resources, tailored exercise regimens, expert guidance, and ongoing support from our dedicated team.


Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to self-manage your symptoms, prevent reoccurrence, and proactively manage chronic conditions. The Wellness Warrior Program empowers you to become an active participant in your own well-being, promoting a healthier, pain-free lifestyle and enhancing your overall quality of life.

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